The "Caledon Riding Club" was Incorporated April 10,1957, for the following objectives:
To promote the science and art of equitation generally;
To give instruction and training in horsemanship, care of horses and stable management;
To organize and conduct rides and hunts;
To provide a clubhouse and other facilities for the educational, social and sporting activities of its members.
The Club owns a 99 acre property with a modern Clubhouse and horse facilities in the Town of Caledon and is host of the longest running combined event in Canada.
The Club has a long relationship with the Eglinton Hounds, who lease part of the Land for their Huntsman and Kennels.
Club property is for members personal use only, No Commercial activity is allowed.
New Members with an interest in horsemanship are welcome.
Club Facts:
Established in 1957
99 Acres of land on Niagara Escarpment
Maximum number of members – 120
Run by a volunteer Board of Directors
2 Floor Club House
2 Tennis Courts
3 Dressage Rings
4 Cross Country courses
1 Stadium jumping ring
Plus miles of trails available for riding
The Club, set in one of the most beautiful locations in Ontario with a peaceful and friendly atmosphere, provides a range of activities where friends are made and good times are had.
Our goal is to have actively involved members who choose to:
Organize or assist at a function either riding or social
Organize and oversee a Pub Night
Become a Director
Assist at the spring and fall workdays.